It’s Star Wars week, right? The movie opens very, very soon. Everybody’s talking about how good it is. So if everyone’s talking about Star Wars, why is no one f-cking talking about R2-D2? R2 is the OG.
The OG!
An OG should always take precedence over a new jack!
Unless the new jack is famewhore.
Oh look. While I don’t see any photos of R2, who always gets stuck hanging out with nobody’s favourite C-3PO, posing with humans yesterday at the London premiere of The Last Jedi, BB-8 got to have a moment with the princes, William and Harry. And he tilted his lower ball and bowed at them. Which everyone is taking to mean that he showed his respect.
That wasn’t respect. That was BB-8 Justin Timberlaking a moment to himself. He was turning up his cuteness. Oh look! The baby droid bowed! Isn’t that adorable?
No. It’s a classic attention-stealing move. Why can’t you people see through it?
Anyway, the princes were there because, as you may have heard, they have a cameo in the movie as Stormtroopers? I think. Whatever. Does it matter? How many people are going to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi for Princes William and Harry? Why am I so grumpy? This is what BB-8 does to me.
Following the premiere, Will and Harry invited the cast over to Kensington Palace for the after-party. I want to know how this went down. I want to know if BB-8 snuck into Big G’s room and whether or not there was a throwdown. Big G could totally take him.
PS. Here’s BB-8 today at the Star Wars photo call. Of course he’s in front of everyone else. Where else would he be?