Princess Kate went to the Chelsea Garden Show and was basically interviewed by some children. They asked good questions! (Cele|bitchy) 


Julia Fox was never going to go to Cannes and not be a spectacle. That’s not part of the Julia Fox deal. So of course her looks at the festival so far have been mostly and literally transparent. Cannes is also the place to do it – because as already mentioned too many times, Cannes is for excess, Cannes is the place for extra, more, extra, and sprinkling of tacky. Sometimes more than a sprinkling. If there’s anyone who knows how to deliver on that, it’s Julia Fox. This is why I enjoy her so much: she’s never pretended she’s not about the attention. (Dlisted) 

Jennifer Lawrence was in Cannes in support of the first documentary she’s produced with her own production company, Excellent Cadaver. The film was directed by Sahra Mani and is called Bread and Roses and features the experience of three Afghan women after the Taliban’s return to power. Of course these women and their Afghani director should be in the spotlight. But the reason Jennifer is in the spotlight, and she understands this, is because they’re shopping the film in Cannes and looking for a distribution deal – and this is why her presence is critical. As much as it sucks to say it, she’ll be the one to bring in the money, and with that money, this story has a chance of being seen by more and more people. That’s the business of Cannes. And that’s JLaw’s business now, to use her platform to be able to tell these stories. Which is also likely one of the reasons she wore red: more eyeballs, more attention, and a better chance for the film. (Go Fug Yourself)


The UK seems to be obsessed with the Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield drama that resulted this weekend in Phillip stepping away from their show, This Morning. I haven’t been paying much attention to the details, I just know it’s been front page coverage for weeks so I appreciate Kayleigh Donaldson unpacking the situation. (Pajiba) 

There are two summertime activities that a lot of people seem to love but I hate: camping and picnics. I’m too weak for them. I can’t eat outside, like not even on a patio. A car picnic seems like a compromise for someone like me… but I also hate eating in the car. My husband loves eating in the car, like when we go for drive-thru, his food is all gone by the time we get home, I can’t stand it. I would rather wait until I get home, even if the food is cold. Anyway, if you are an eating-in-the-car kind of person, this is how you do a car picnic. (Eater)