Here are some shots of Tom Cruise a few days ago promoting Top Gun: Maverick in Mexico as part of the worldwide press tour. It’ll be a frenzy next week in Cannes when the movie screens at the festival and then it’s on to London for the Royal Film Performance where a member or members of the British royal family are expected to be in attendance. It was reported a few weeks ago that Tom hosted a private viewing of his movie for Prince William and Kate so it probably won’t be a surprise to see the two of them there.
Anyway, I was saving these pictures until the studio’s review embargo was lifted – and the reviews are coming in hot. Right now, Top Gun: Maverick is sitting at 96% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes; that might drop a bit but it’s definitely not going to plummet with most of the major entertainment outlets like Variety, THR, etc all weighing in and it’s overwhelmingly positive. What did I tell you? This is a FUN movie. It’s the perfect movie for this time of year, just before summer, and it’s a MOVIE STAR movie….
Every Tom Cruise movie is a MOVIE STAR movie. He may be the last movie star to exclusively just make MOVIE STAR movies and Top Gun: Maverick doesn’t apologise for that identity. Sarah’s full review will be posted in the coming days but it’s a stroonnnng start for Maverick heading to its release. I am really, really curious to see just how big this box office will be.