I didn’t know this was Rita Ora at first. Lately when I see pictures of her I actually have to look a few times because it’s not matching up with the image that’s in my head. Anyway, she’s deep into a low-rise maxi skirt right now and I’m not actually mad at the look. I’ll take a low rise maxi skirt I think over a low rise bell bottom pair of jeans. (Go Fug Yourself) 


Also a headline that didn’t compute and I had to read it three times to make sure that was indeed what it said – which is that Kevin Federline and Jamie Spears are co-writing a book together on fatherhood… and is someone actually giving them money for this? If that’s actually the case it’s once again the Britney connection, no doubt. Because they will always, always cash in on their history with her. (Dlisted) 

Idris Elba is doing a cooking show and every streamer is apparently bidding for it but the discussion Pajiba is having is… what will it be called? Today on our show we did a TikTok food trend segment and, apparently, the food that rates the highest on social media for cooking content is potatoes. I have so many questions. Is it because people don’t eat carbs so they watch carbs instead? Or are people just obsessed with potatoes? I get it – potatoes are awesome. So to go back to Idris, maybe his show should be called “Potatoes, with Idris Elba”. (Pajiba) 


Prince William and Kate’s youngest child, Louis, could be the star of royal Christmas this year because the British tabloid media is reporting that they’re considering having him participate at Sandringham. Is this a case of the tabloids ordering the Windsors about what they want to cover? Or is it that the Windsors have planted this story in the tabloids to combat the mess of unflattering stories about them? (Cele|bitchy) 

Do you need some measured optimism to wind down 2022 as we look ahead to 2023? Zack Beauchamp’s piece in Vox is about how 2022 was “a bad year for the bad guys” as “democracy proved it could fight back”. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows – I said it was measured optimism – but there are some encouraging takeaways. (Vox)