I’m worried I’m going to regret this because this outfit on Rosamund Pike was a candidate for Outfit of the Week and I’ve decided that something better will come up. What if it doesn’t? What will I do? 

It’s GOOD. A cape, for me, is always good. But this metallic cape has fringe without going into a costumey disco vibe. And I love how it’s been laid out – almost like an attachment over a low-cut tank. What gives the cape its weight and structure is the band across the top of the chest, and clavicles. I like that it’s an over-the-head situation and not a falling-off-the shoulders thing. It’s practical. It means she doesn’t have to constantly adjust it. 

But here’s another reason why it’s not quite the OOTW for me: because I prefer how Givenchy sent it down the runway. Scoll through the carousel below. 


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See what I mean? 

I rarely prefer a dress over pants but the black belt works better than Rosamund’s silver belt and the original runway, over leggings, can’t be topped.