My friend and I were talking the other day and she told me about a friend of hers who had passed away really quickly after finding a mole on her leg. Like, within weeks. So scary. Especially because earlier that week I had found this weird brown spot on my arm appear out of nowhere. I know this intro is a bit dark and I promise I’ll lighten it up in a few seconds, but after that chat I had to get real with myself. Like, melanoma is no f-cking joke so I’ve made a promise to myself: no more free-balls baking in the sun. I have to stop.
Now while I may have to give up the sun gods, I can’t give up the desire for a sun-kissed look. So I’ve been on the search for a great fall bronzer and yup! You guessed it – I’ve found IT! Luckily, it happens to be from one of my favorite clean brands, Hynt Beauty. If you’re new to my column go search out my past posts on Hynt because they are legit the realness. They don’t have a huge array of products, but what they’ve got is all you need to kit out your beauty bag.
Ok so let’s talk about their solare bronzing powder.
Dudes, it’s one hundred. The tone of the powder is that ideal perfect beachy bronze we all want and what also makes this product standout is that the color is deep enough to work on a wide range of skin tones. I also love that it’s got this shimmery highlight effect too it which just adds more glow. Brush it on all the high points the sun would hit your face or do like me and literally douse your whole face in it.
(Note: Sasha Finds articles are NOT paid endorsements. Paid endorsements on are always clearly marked. These are straight up Sasha obsessions.)