Blame it on quarantine but I’ve never been so bored looking at my own face. Day in, day out, it’s just me, myself, and I. So a few weeks ago out of complete boredom I started drawing freckles on my face partly because it felt like I had a new friend in my reflection, but mostly because I’ve always loved freckles. Thank you, Lucy Liu.
Obviously a generic eye pencil has limited lasting power so I did what I do and searched the internet for the perfect freckle stain and lo and behold I came across Saltyface. It’s a brand new company out of Vancouver that’s bringing all the faux sunshine vibes into our lives. They currently have two products in the line: a gradual tan face water and a freckle stain!
I bought both products and while I’m disappointed that the tan water isn’t inclusive to a variety of skin tones, the freckle stain will work on light to darker tones. However, I do hope that if the owners are reading this they will get on broadening their line STAT.
So as of right now I’m only co-signing the stain. I really do love it and look, we could all do with a little fun these days and I'm having so much fun mixing and playing with freckle patterns every morning. (Pro tip: I've found that what really works well is to snip the brush with a pair of scissors so you can get a more round freckle, but hey do you, feel free to leave it be and go with a tinier freckle faced look.) Now the freckle stain is completely sold out, but don't worry because the brand is actually doing a restock today at 11am PST/2pm EST - ready, set, GO!
(Note: Sasha Finds articles are NOT paid endorsements. Paid endorsements on are always clearly marked. These are straight up Sasha obsessions.)