A few podcasts ago on Sasha Answers I gave you the 411 on the biggest fabric trend of the season. If you missed out or need a reminder, here it is again: LINEN!
It’s taking over every rack, every fashion editor insta snap, and every runway. Point is: you need to cop it.
Now, if you want to give the trend a test run stroll on into your mom’s wardrobe because no doubt, she’ll have a closet full. But if you’re ready to buy a piece or two, the place that’s really killing it right now – and I hate to have to prop them - is Zara.
From cute floppy dungarees to color punched dresses and every linen basic in between, you’ll have your fashion pick!
(Note: Sasha Finds articles are NOT paid endorsements. Paid endorsements on LaineyGossip.com are always clearly marked. These are straight up Sasha obsessions.)