This is the sh-t that makes me feel violent. Violence is not the answer. I will not act on my violent feelings. I will just express that violence here, over this story about Whitney Cummings and some assholes who tried to extort her over a screenshot of her nipple, once again attempting to weaponise a woman’s body against her. And this can only happen because for some reason culturally, socially, we’ve made women’s own bodies a thing that can be weaponised against them, something they should be ashamed about. Will there ever be a day when this isn’t a thing anymore? (Dlisted) 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are supposedly heading to Balmoral to join the Queen at some point this month. Or maybe their week will be cancelled so that Prince Andrew can spend more time there, close to his ma? Until everyone stops talking about the Jeffrey Epstein mess? Wait… is anyone talking about this Jeffrey Epstein mess? No. We are talking about birds and whether or not Meghan is relieved that they’re not doing the grouse hunt this year at Balmoral. Are they going to find a way to blame her for that too? (Cele|bitchy) 

I’m taking a risk here and linking to this outfit because it could totally be the Outfit of the Week, I love it so f-cking much. And it’s an excellent candidate for OOTW because it’s polarising. Some of you are going to WTF this up and down. A green acid wash two-piece?! YES. I’m saying YES. I’m saying Zoe Chao looks great in this green acid wash two-piece and I want it for myself and my only complaint is that since it’s so hot right now, I would have saved it for September/October. (Go Fug Yourself) 

Gemma Chan had the experience that all of us want to experience and I hate her so much for it because I’ll never get over how jealous I am that this happened to her and NOT ME. If this had happened to me, though, I’d spend the rest of my life watching the video playback on my phone and not doing anything else. (Pajiba) 

I love fast food. And I love quizzes. So I had big hopes that this quiz would know me. Would get me. It promised to be able to tell me my age and my height based on my secret menu fast food choices. And … it was SO WRONG. I am not 22 years old and I am not 4 ft 11 and now I have a f-cking identity crisis! (Buzzfeed)