We begin this week’s podcast with a discussion about what Duana and Megan Fox have in common. There’s a scientific name for it too – even though the name sounds ridiculously made up and not real at all: Brachydactyly Type D, pronounced “bracky-dact-ily”. Come ON! 

From there, we move to Encino Man, Brendan Fraser. Whatever Happened To Brendan Fraser? Did you read his new interview with GQ last week? Brendan Fraser, at the height of his fame, was perceived, primarily through his work, as someone of a different time, a star of a different time. Turns out it’s a lot more complicated – and he’s a lot more complicated – than what we might have expected. This complication could be useful as he moves into a new phase of his career. 


We are less than a week away from Oscar where Get Out is contending for Best Picture. Vulture called it The First Great Movie of the Trump Era last week – it’s an oral history of the making of the film so, naturally, for Duana and me, it’s total work porn. SO MUCH great work talk to unpack here. And also career assessments for both Daniel Kaluuya and Allison Williams. (This, by the way, is the video we mention when we laugh about Daniel and Letitia Wright explaining their families’ reaction to them being actors.) 

Last week I posted about Janelle Monae and Tessa Thompson and the speculation about whether or not they’re dating. Janelle dropped her video for Make Me Feel just before the weekend and people are calling it a “Bisexual Pop Anthem”:  


Janelle Monae has been working for a long time, building her sound, growing her brand. It feels like she’s taken it to a whole new level the last couple of years, non? And teasing and playing with image and messaging along the way. (Is there any crossover here though between Janelle and #Hannie?)

Finally, Chloe Kim covered Sports Illustrated last week as she and other Gen Z Olympians are not only changing their sports in how they compete but also changing the BUSINESS of the sport in how they market themselves. It’s an advantage that their predecessors may not have had. And it’s an advantage that we may have underappreciated as we constantly angst about these young people and their phones and whether or not something is being lost in how they communicate. Are we underestimating them? How the f-ck did I throw a Jenner comparison in there?!? 

As always… thanks for listening! 

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