On this week’s episode of Show Your Work – Emma Stone’s first campaign images for Louis Vuitton were released last week. What’s the work that goes into a celebrity fashion partnership? And what makes for a good fit? What are the benefits to the celebrity and what are the benefits to the brand? We discuss brand missteps and we review some of the more successful partnerships. We also look ahead to how the celebrity style game will evolve – and how the emerging class of style leaders will change how these partnerships come together. 


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Netflix admitted last week that Claire Foy was paid less on The Crown than Matt Smith. Then Judd Apatow had this to say: 

Duana and I discuss how the “quote” works in Hollywood and certainly how it’s not working, not just in Hollywood but in every industry. Because, of course, the ability to negotiate is offered to some and not to others. And that has everything to do with gender. 

Rise premiered last week on NBC. Rise is a Jason Katims show. You know him from Friday Night Lights and Parenthood. In an interview with Vulture, Jason was asked about the source material, as Rise is based on real events. And there’s a character who’s gay in real life but who is not gay on the show. So there’s whitewashing and then there’s straight-washing. Duana and I compare Jason’s response to Greg Berlanti’s thoughts on casting diversity in his interview with Buzzfeed last week while promoting Love, Simon. One moves the conversation forward and provides context to a nuanced situation. And the other is just… defensive? 

Finally… this photo that Duana took recently got us talking about words and grammar and we’re probably hypocrites about our language complaints:

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