Selfishly would I have wanted to see Simone Biles kill it in the team competition? Yes. But it isn’t f-cking about me, or anyone else, it’s about her. And she made a powerful decision for herself today which I’ll write more about tomorrow, when I can sort out my thoughts properly but for now, the big takeaway is that she had the courage to stand up for herself…and I wish we didn’t have to frame the act of standing up for yourself as an act of courage, but we’re still in that place – and for her, especially, given who she is and all those expectations, she’s definitely in that place. The reason why she’s the G.O.A.T. is that she had used that place, that space, always, for good, for kindness, and in this case she is choosing to be kind to herself. That is important.
After all these years, people are still talking about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie getting papped on the beach in Kenya. Is it really news that those photos could not have happened “accidentally”? (Cele|bitchy)
We can have a conversation about celebrity beauty standards and the effect it’s having on people and part of that conversation is about transparency and the fact that what celebrities show is a filtered, curated version of themselves, like it’s easy and breezy, without really going into how much work goes into their image. Speaking of work, then, here’s Marc Jacobs showing us… well… a lot of the work. (Dlisted)
I’ve been mostly watching Canadian coverage of the Olympics so I did not know that Nastia Liukin has been serving so many looks at these Games from the sidelines but I’m here for it. (Go Fug Yourself)
Reddit is asking about foods that go well together even though they don’t normally go together and so many of these are giving me snack ideas. Like… chili and a peanut butter sandwich. I’m in. Peanut butter comes up a lot. It’s versatile (if you’re not allergic)! You know what I’m going to do tomorrow? Peanut butter and egg wrap. (Pajiba)
Olympic love! Here are the athlete couples of Tokyo 2020 – who’s the Bennifer of this group, lol. (Buzzfeed)