What was I just saying in my post earlier today about John Krasinski being named PEOPLE’s Sexiest Man Alive? There is one city that has produced the most SMAs: Boston, Massachusetts. And right after his appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to announce that he’s taken the title for 2024, John K met up with two former SMAs who are also from Boston, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. 


Here they are out for dinner last night in New York, a little club of Boston bros who hold or have held the title of Sexiest Man Alive…for a welcome celebration/initiation? I’m kidding, I don’t actually believe they’d have a tradition like this although I think they should, like the Saturday Night Live Five Timers Club, with a jacket in the Red Sox colours and the SMA letters with something obnoxiously corny like: 

There’s no SMA without MASS. 


That, too, was a corny joke. But to my point earlier about the Sexiest Man Alive and the overlapping friend circles, this is a crew of dudes who hang out together and I actually forgot Chris Hemsworth in that John Krasinski post because he’s been the SMA and he’s very tight with Matt Damon. And now almost all of them have worn the crown. So who’s missing? 


Well, the one I’m most surprised hasn’t yet been the SMA is Robert Downey Jr: 

Not from Boston but definitely connected to this circle. Now that he has his Oscar, maybe he would say yes to Sexy.