Sonequa Martin-Green is on The Social today, I’m excited. I’ve interviewed her before and she is a delight. This is the person who made history as the first black woman to lead a Star Trek franchise. Through her door now walks Michelle Yeoh who will also be headlining her own Star Trek franchise.
Busy schedule for Sonequa the last couple of weeks. She was just in New York last night for the Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 premiere wearing the sh-t out of this black half-tuxedo dress. The fit could not be more perfect. And the blazer side wrapping all the way around the waist is the key to keeping the look clean, even though there’s so much going on with the bustier and the lace and the bands that travel across her legs and the hem hitched up on one side.
It's a LOT. But it doesn’t feel like a lot. It feels really polished, really crisp. Really one of the best black dresses we’ve seen in a long time.