I am still invested in Taylor Kitsch. Even though he can’t seem to catch a break professionally (despite promising trailers and decent reviews, Waco came and went rather quietly), I still care about Taylor Kitsch. Riggins forever. Which means I still care who Taylor Kitsch is or is not dating. Here are new photos of Taylor Kitsch on a date with a “mystery woman.” That’s what the photo agency called her and there aren’t any photos where you can clearly see her face. There is almost nothing about these photos that proves that Taylor Kitsch and this “mystery woman” are on a date. They’re both dressed pretty casually and their greeting is friendly, with no overt PDA. Taylor Kitsch is also wearing a slightly wrinkled t-shirt. 

For my day job at The Social, we talk a lot about new surveys or trends in the dating world. This morning at our daily pitch meeting, one of my colleagues pitched a story about how “wearing something wrinkled” is a deal-breaker for 66% of single people surveyed. When I read this survey, I was picturing wrinkly dress shirts, not a casual tee like the one Taylor Kitsch is wearing. So, IF this is a date, does he get a pass? Do the wrinkles get less egregious depending on the material of the clothing? I wear wrinkly cotton sh-t all the time. I only break out the iron for broadcloth, linen, twill, chambray, etc. 

If Tim Riggins showed up for a date in a wrinkly shirt, would you care? Is it weirder to think about Tim Riggins ironing a t-shirt before a date? 

Speaking of hot men from Friday Night Lights ironing, allow me to make your Wednesday with one of my all-time favourite videos: Michael B. Jordan showing off his ironing skills for Vanity Fair. I don’t know how we got here but you’re welcome.