House of the Dragon is coming back for season two, and with it, the HOT D is cast going places, wearing things, generally being hot in public. (Go Fug Yourself)


This article has a headline so good I almost feel like I don’t want or need to read the actual story, except I want to see if the writer’s thoughts align with mine. It’s the quiet for me. (Popsugar)

Olivia Henson is now the Duchess of Westminster. She wore the family’s Faberge myrtle wreath tiara, and a dress from designer Emma Victoria Payne that looks like a less daring version of Bella Swan’s wedding dress. I love the tiaras—the glamour! The history!—but I am ever reminded aristocratic wedding dresses are always boring. That’s my problem with quiet luxury. It’s f-cking boring. (Celebitchy)


Romeo & Juliet star Francesca Amewudah-Rivers was interviewed by Vogue UK. She sounds cool and interesting, which goes along with all the high praise for her performance as Juliet, but of course, people are mostly noticing this is the first time Tom Holland has spoken publicly about his co-star. I guess this counts as a “defense”, though it’s the weakest possible wording in the face of the vitriolic racist abuse Francesca has faced since being cast as Juliet. Of his co-star, Holland said: “Fran’s ability to let the work do the talking has been a true lesson not just for me, but for our entire company. I can’t tell you how much I admire her strength and resilience.”

Cool. (Vogue UK)


Podcast rec! I like Atlas Obscura for their weird stories and food and travel recs (which I used to guide my path through Ireland last year and had a GREAT time), but their podcast has rapidly become one of my favorites. The episodes are short, typically under 30 minutes, and on a wide variety of offbeat topics. The latest episode about food refrigeration is really interesting. It is! Give it a listen. (Atlas Obscura)

Bonus: someone yelled at me because I didn’t recognize the Sydney Harbor Bridge in these photos of Austin Butler posing with a motorcycle in Australia. In my defense, I don’t give a sh-t about bridges and couldn’t tell the Brooklyn Bridge from the Manhattan Bridge, either. But, for all the bridge-curious out there, here is a list of the most famous bridges in the world so that we never get caught out not knowing which bridges are which ever again. (History of Bridges)