I went out for a walk for over three hours the other day with a friend. It was cold AF in Toronto that day – like -5˚C which is 23˚F for those of you in the US – and we were also by the water and the wind made it feel several degrees colder. I was bundled up in a puffer and a thick toque and fleece lined mitts. My friend? A wool pea coat, jeans, scarf, no hat, no gloves. And he has really, really short hair. For three hours it didn’t bother him. I kept asking… how are you not cold? He told me he runs hot. Some people just run hot. 


Tom Hiddleston must run hot? He stepped out in London to walk the dog wearing shorts. I just checked the temp in London – it’s 3˚C/37˚F, not what most people would consider shorts weather. But Tom’s out here in his shorts, under a puffer. 

Tom hasn’t been seen all that much lately. This is one of the first sightings of him since it was reported that he and fiancée Zawe Ashton welcomed their first child. Us Weekly reported it and other outlets picked up the story in late October but Tom and Zawe have not confirmed it themselves. He won’t have to answer any media questions about it for a while either because he wrapped on Loki season two earlier this fall and the series isn’t scheduled to premiere until next summer. 

An ideal time, then, to enjoy these first few months with Zawe and the baby. And the dog! Bobby is not being neglected.