I don’t understand at all what is happening here with R Kelly and guardian angel, the woman who gave him money for bond, or something, but now wants it back so she can give it to him again? Maybe it’s because I only know how to spend money, my own money, I don’t know how to lend it, loan it, borrow it, organise it, or track it. Neither, apparently, does R Kelly. But also maybe because this is so f-cking confusing? Can she really, like, recycle the money like that? (Dlisted) 

I like this blue on blue on blue on blue look on Tom Hiddleston. I’m sad that he couldn’t find blue shoes to complete the look. That said, I’m sure it’s working for the woman who jerked herself off while watching him perform on Broadway. (Go Fug Yourself) 

Prince William and Catherine will name a boat next week. How can they say they’re naming a boat when we already know what the name is and the person it’s been named after will also be there? Did they choose the name? Or was the name chosen and it’s a ceremonial naming? Probably it’s a ceremonial naming, which means I never had a chance. It’s happening on my birthday. The boat could have been Lainey. Or, even better, Serena. Did I mention she and I have the same birthday? It’s my favourite thing about my birthday. (Cele|bitchy) 

These desserts are definitely super artistic and require a lot of skill. I don’t want to take away from the baker’s talent. However… they’re not appetizing. They look like apocalypse cakes, especially the first two. I don’t want to eat the apocalypse. (OMG Blog) 

I did not watch Saved By The Bell. I can’t explain why. High school shows are totally my sh-t. SBTB should have totally been my sh-t. I think, maybe, it was on too early? When I was in high school, I slept in HARD. Also, a year after SBBT, Beverly Hills 90210 premiered – at night. And … well… that was my whole life for a while. (TMZ)