Holy heaving cleave! Check out Katie pouring outta her dress. Check out the diminutive Mrs Beckham making the normally normal-sized *Kate* look monstrous! Here they are again, in various stages of best friendship, taking Paris fashion week by storm.
Funny thing is though - I've received several randoms emails from England this morning, all snarky and delightful (they do love to hate their Posh there), all cackling about Victoria's stiff hand treatment. Word is, she couldn't get access inside many of the shows on her own merit. British gossips are buzzing that no one wanted the Beckham Chav to mix with the Haute Couture and so the only way she got in is as Katie's PLUS ONE! I'm kinda suspicious about this - not only because I do love my concrete tits and ass, but also because money is money, publicity is publicity…just 'cause it's French, don't mean it's different, and these are the same people who also at one point or another let in Paris Hilton. Besides, picking on Posh is a favourite British pasttime and the advanced smuthounds in the UK will never hesitate to fabricate when it comes to the Plastic Perfection that is Mrs. Beckham. Praise Goddess. But, since I have no slamdunk confirmation either way, let's just believe it's true for now: that the Posh is getting shunned and that clinging to Katie is her ticket. Oh - and on the subject of Katie…what's with the frickin' ball gown?