What will Beyoncé give us in 2023? I don’t want to ask for too much. We got a whole album in 2022, and it was another masterpiece, naturally. Renaissance made practically every “best” list of the year, with excellent sales and streaming numbers, and all kinds of nominations… although those measurements don’t matter to Beyoncé now as much as they did before. She moves the culture, that’s the standard, and she definitely set the standard, again, as usual, in 2022. Without releasing a music video.
It's a new year, and we are still waiting on those visuals. On anything, really. She hasn’t posted on Instagram since Halloween. Nothing for Christmas, nothing for New Year’s. And nothing about the tour. We may not get any visuals until the tour. Or we may get an entirely new album before that. Because she did say that Renaissance was the first part of a “three-act project”.
This lesson was learned a long time ago though: there’s no use in trying to predict what the Queen will do and when she’ll do it. The rule is to just be ready at any time. That said (which basically means I really haven’t learned the lesson), she probably won’t be as quiet this year, right? LOL only Beyoncé could be described as “quiet” during an album year.
While we wait, patiently, for answers, we do know that Beyoncé and her family went away for the holidays. That’s her, in the white flowy pants and the black hoodie covering her face. We know because Julius is close by. Where there is Julius, there is Beyoncé. There are also photos of Jay-Z with their son Sir in his arms, and Blue Ivy and Rumi were seen too.
Bey is back…and still sleeping real good at night.