Elle Fanning stepped out this week in a leopard print vintagey looking dress with pink shoes and I like the effort of it, pairing this print, which is usually seen in tight body-con with this kind of design, it’s subversive, which I appreciate. But would I have rather seen the dress in another print entirely? Probably. And I can’t say the shoes make a difference either. (Go Fug Yourself)
David and Victoria Beckham’s home was burgled …while they were at home. Everyone is OK, fortunately, but still, if it were me, this would f-ck me up and it sounds like they are pretty disturbed by the situation. And will now likely be spending on some significant security upgrades. (Dlisted)
It’s Prince William’s party and supposedly Prince Harry’s not invited and… well… are these really the kind of headlines that the British royals want out there right now? Petty-ing about birthday parties? Seriously when are they overhauling their communications strategy? Because this is not it. (Cele|bitchy)
Republican cocaine parties and orgies aren’t my jam, like in real life or movies. A movie is exactly how The Late Show with Stephen Colbert imagined it and, frankly, I don’t love that movie so, yeah, I guess that sounds about right. (Pajiba)
Daniel Radcliffe continues to come correct and this is exactly the right response from him to a question about The Slap. (The Cut)