In my post today about Andrew Garfield and Rita Ora, I suggested who could be next for Rita, someone who could match her thirst. Zac Efron initially came to mind but he apparently has a new girlfriend, Danish swimmer Sarah Bro. He probably loves that her last name is his favourite word. These two seem well matched in the abs. And in the showing of the abs. Therefore, I think they’re going to make it. (Dlisted)
Cate Blanchett’s outfit seems to be trying to explore as many possible shades of green as possible. I don’t hate it. I just feel like it might have been a loud ensemble, and by loud I mean actual sound. The jacket and the pants both look super stiff, the kind of leather than creaks and moans when you move. (Go Fug Yourself)
This Halsey quote about New York reminds me of Fran Lebowitz in that Fran’s been talking about how New York’s not the same for… decades now. It comes up all the time. Fran misses New York pre-1985. Halsey thinks New York hasn’t been the same since… 2014. I would LOVE to know what Fran thinks of this. (Cele|bitchy)
I’m trying to recognise Lady Gaga in these shots and having a hard time. However, I do wish we saw more of this Gaga during award season. Also…she’s covered V Magazine 25 times!?! (OMG Blog)
I am not an expert on The Hills. That is Maria’s domain. I do, however, know this quote, mostly because of it’s similarity to a comment Karl Lagerfeld once made about Heidi Klum. He didn’t acknowledge her supermodelness because “she was never in Paris”. Anyway, the origin of The Hills quote about Lauren Control being the “girl who never went to Paris” is… Anna Wintour. (The Cut)
Cannes is coming. Here’s a list of movies that could be screened on the Croisette. Of course Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is on here. Cannes loves Quentin Tarantino. And Leonardo DiCaprio loves going to Cannes. (The Hollywood Reporter)