Arguments for:
-The Batfleck body. He does look good right now.
-The success of Gone Girl as a follow-up to the success of Argo; Affleck’s on a good run right now
-Jennifer Garner: the MiniVan Majority loves her. And the last time he was the Sexiest Man Alive, he was engaged to Jennifer Lopez. They’d want this one for Garner.
Arguments against:
-People aren’t really sure about Batfleck. There’s a lot of skepticism about whether or not the movie will be any good. Nerd angst.
-If Batfleck is good though, it’s probably better timing to wait until the year it comes out, see how it does, before giving him his 2nd SMA title.
-He plays a douchebag in Gone Girl. MiniVan Majority may have had a hard time getting down with that.
- Ben Affleck gets in his own way. This year, there were all kinds of rumours about the gambling, about the misbehaving. The SMA has to be scandal-free. I don’t know if Ben Affleck can make that guarantee
Odds: 30 to 1
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