Yesterday on The Social, we talked about Ben Affleck’s nanny situation, and Jess Allen invoked Monica Lewinsky, and how she was shamed for so many years and had to withdraw until recently, comparing it to how it is now – example, Christine Ouzounian, who certainly isn’t withdrawing. After all, so often, when there’s been infidelity, it’s never the cheating men who have to go into hiding. The discussion then was about why we expect the women to go into hiding.
Chrissy O clearly refuses to hide.
Here she is, at the gas station with her Lexus yesterday. Remember, according to TMZ’s source, Ben’s not paying for that ride. Or for her stay at the Hotel Bel Air – click here for a refresher on the TMZ report about Ben not being in contact with her anymore. PEOPLE now also has friends of Ben claiming the same – that he hasn’t been financially supporting her and is back in Atlanta with his kids, trying to not pay attention to the “circus”.
But Chrissy O is here to remind him…
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know
That’s what I keep hearing when I wake up every day to new pap shots of her. The lyrics work really well.
Did you forget about me Mr. Duplicity
I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner
It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced
Are you thinking of me when you f-ck her?
Mr Duplicity. Isn’t that how David Fincher described him?
“But Ben is very very subtle and there's a kind of indirectness to the way he can do those things. Probably because he's so duplicitous."
Just… remember that every time you read statements from one of his “friends” telling TMZ that he isn’t writing cheques or PEOPLE that he’s just thinking about his family, that all he thinks about is his family.
You think he was thinking of his family when this photo was taken?
Ben Affleck flew his nanny to Vegas — while unsuspecting Jen stayed home with the kids
— New York Post (@nypost) August 11, 2015