I’ve been waiting all week for new Benedict Cumberbatch photos so that I can show you what I’m about to show you. Official business first:

Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter were out last night in London hanging out with Princess Anne at an event to benefit the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Stephen Hawking was also there. The Cumberbatches are just coming off their honeymoon in Tahiti.

OK now the fun. A reader called April emailed me this on the weekend. The title of her message:

“We’ve hit peak Cumhard”

And that was followed by:

This is it. This is the thing that will make me say I've never heard of him if anyone ever asks me if I'm a fan again.

She’s referring to what you’re about to read – major Cumhard angst. Over…?

I don’t actually know. But they’re tripping. And calling for an intervention. And it’s AMAZING. Like a TwiHard level of amazing.

I’ll get out of your way now. Click here and enjoy.