Beyonce on the cover of the new Marie Claire UK with a tiny little waist and inside the pages of the magazine again with a tiny little waist. She concedes though, unlike those other lying skinny bitches, that it’s hard work balancing those curves, insisting before arriving at the photo shoot that there be ‘no chips, no candy, no desserts, no junk food, no fried food’ available anywhere on set.

B had just come off gaining 20 for her role as Etta James in Cadillac Records alongside Adrien Brody. James was a heroin user and to research the role Beyonce visited a drop-in clinic in Brooklyn:

“I was really afraid. I didn’t know what I would see, because I’d never seen anything like that. I didn’t want to ask questions that were inappropriate, but [the people there] were very open and I have a new understanding. I never judge, but I just didn’t understand how, if you had children and so many things to lose, you could be so deep into your addiction that you just let all of that go.”

It’s a fair and honest statement. Understandable.

Her comments on her performance on the other hand…

“I’ve been saying for a long time that I wanted to do something dark. People are going to be very shocked. It’s the complete opposite of me. It was very emotionally draining. I was exhausted.”

Really? Like… can Beyonce act? Because to me, she’s too Beyonce to be believable. Madonna has the same problem. Beyonce calls it “Sasha” – that alter ego that takes over on stage. Problem is Sasha takes over in front of the camera too. Like Foxxy Cleopatra. In fact, she’s always Foxxy Cleopatra.

“I'm Foxxy Cleopatra, and I'm a WHOLE LOTTA WOMAN.”

Can B really free herself from Foxxy? Cadillac Records has yet to receive a release date. Keep you posted.

What’s next for Beyonce?

A new album in November and grand plans for iconic status:

“(There’s a time limit on) being a pop star, yes. Being a legend, an icon, absolutely not. And, at this point, that’s what I’m trying to do. I’m over being a pop star. I don’t wanna be a hot girl. I wanna be iconic. And I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot. I feel like I’m highly respected, which is more important than any award or any amount of records. And I feel like there comes a point when being a pop star is not enough.”

Maybe it’s just me, a smutty bitch stirring the sh*t,but why is it when I read the quote I think immediately she’s talking to Rihanna? Just asking…

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