Several journalists I spoke with who are covering the Venice festival have said that Angelina looked slightly less gaunt - direct quote “it’s not like she disappears when she turns to the side”, though as you can see, the girl could use an avocado IV, non?

But while her dress and the jewels belong on a geriatric socialite (terrible), their glamour and their star power together is undeniable and unmatched. I’ve seen it first hand…Brad and Angelina command the kind of curiosity and intrigue and fascination and frenzy that cannot be rivalled by any other couple on the planet, no matter how hard the Cruises and the Beckhams try. I remember at Cannes, the press line to get into the press conference for A Mighty Heart was unparalleled. A seasoned and respected reporter, seemingly above the fawning and the obsequious behaviour reserved for the Pitts, arrived just a bit late – unfortunately there was no more room. He pretty much lost his sh-t demanding to be let in and was practically inconsolable afterwards having missed his chance to see them in person. Sorry, I digress.

The Pitts on the carpet in Venice… as you can see, the two gave us a shot of their famous ass grab pose. To me it’s the hottest thing. Becks does it. Brad does it better. Possessive without being alarmingly overprotective. A certain kind of ownership that says – you see this ass? It’s my ass. I enjoy this ass every night.

A hint of Pitt Porn…love, love, love.
