Jessica Biel’s restaurant Au Fudge was graced with a visit from Dembabies and the Elusive Chanteuse Butterfly. There are a lot of pillows, do you think her caravan includes an SUV full of extra pillows in case the seating options aren’t sufficient?
People keep yelling at Ryan Seacrest for spoiling events with his Olympic posts. I don’t watch sports but I also don’t sympathize with Spoiler Babies. Is this considered a true spoiler? I always thought a spoiler was something that hasn’t happened yet. (Also Breaking Bad went off the air 3 years ago, either watch it or I WILL tell you how it ended. With secret evil glee.)
Drew Barrymore goes where many divorced people have gone before her: Las Vegas. I hope she wore sequins and made some questionable decisions at 4 a.m. It’s tradition.
Lady Gaga threw the Ronson twins (DJ Samantha, fashion designer Charlotte) a birthday party.
Angela and Pam are best friends in real life?! Don’t we all have the friend with really great hair who’s like “Oh I use this wand it takes me 5 minutes” and you buy it and the first time you use it, it scorches the tips of your finger and so it sits in a drawer forever. Angela is that friend.
Miss @AngelaKinsey convinced me to buy a weird styling wand for my hair. I did. I tried it. My hair looks atrocious. #why #bffadvicegonebad
— Jenna Fischer (@jennafischer) August 6, 2016
I think I want the audio version of Taraji’s new book first, I love her voice and cadence. “Around the Way Girl” is basically the best title ever. (Lainey: and a GREAT song.)