This is why I creep Guy Ritchie’s Instagram. Because that’s the only way we’re getting any shots of Charlie Hunnam. He’s directing him in Knights Of The Round Table. And who’s complaining about new shots of Charlie Hunnam?



A photo posted by Guy Ritchie (@guyritchie) on


I can already tell you that I’m going to have sex with my husband right after seeing this movie. But apart from the perv factor, I was trying to find a way to write about Charlie today anyway (thanks Guy) because Marcail sent me the latest Bret Easton Ellis podcast featuring Kelly Marcel which I listened to during dinner last night.

Marcel, of course, is credited with writing the Fifty Shades Of Grey screenplay although, as we learn from the discussion, she’s not yet seen the movie because, well, she’s too heartbroken. This is not the movie she initially wrote. When she turned her first draft to EL James…well… EL James wanted the film to be the book. And the book was sh-t. So you know what happened.

What’s new-ish here is that Kelly pretty much confirms what went down with Charlie. So they messed with Kelly’s draft. And Kelly had to work with EL James to take away all her own good parts and put back in all of James’s janky parts. And when Charlie was cast, since he’s a screenwriter himself, he had some notes. It sounds like he had a LOT of notes. So while he keeps insisting up and down and all around that he really wanted to do the movie but that scheduling was the problem…

Come on. Was scheduling really the problem?

Doesn’t sound like it from the way Kelly is telling the story. And she also adds that Charlie wanted very much to work with Sam Taylor-Johnson. That he and Sam got on quite well. So when he says that he was disappointed not to have been a part of the movie, that’s probably related to having missed an opportunity to work with her. And that still wasn’t enough to make him stick around to endure EL James. Anyway, if you need something to listen to on the ride to and from work, this is an option. Start at 14:00 to skip Bret Easton Ellis’s endless preamble.