Chris Hemsworth is in Vacation. The Hollywood premiere happened Monday night. His two actor brothers, Liam and Luke, showed up to support. The last time I wrote about the Hemsworths was the first time Duana’s ever been interested in them. It’s the sibling thing.
Liam was at Comic-Con. He thought one of the reporters called him Chris. The reporter did not call him Chris. The reporter’s own name was Chris. Click here for a refresher. As we saw, it was a trigger for him. You could see it in his eyes. The snap.
And that’s what caught Duana’s attention. The sibling pull and push. Clearly, they’re close. Clearly so close that they want to be there for each other on their projects. Just don’t confuse them. Or, rather, don’t confuse the little one for the big one. The little one is trying to build his own world, create his own space. It’s totally animal kingdom. When we brought Barney home, our old dog Marcus was already 7 years old. Barney has been trying to assert himself his whole life. A dog ego is a real thing. An actor ego is an even bigger thing.
You think it would matter to Liam to know that for me, as I’ve written several times already, he’s always been the hotter Hemsworth? Look at the way he’s wearing those pants. F-ck. In a few years, if he plays it right, there could be some Hunnam in him.