Scuffle went down the other day between Chris Martin and a paparazzo in New York after she left the hospital prompting some to call Chris violent and out of control.
Now I’m not one to hate on the paps – almost never in fact. The ones who use long lenses especially. Most of the time, they are called and they are tipped. And the truth of the matter is, celebrities need to be photographed as much as photographers need to be photograph celebrities.
So in the past, when Chris lost his sh*t, 100% he was acting a pissy bitch douchebag. But this time? Well… take a look first for yourselves. Click here for the clip and your heart will break a little.
You will note that Chris only flies off the handle when the pap offers his congratulations. The man’s wife had just come out of hospital – not exactly an occasion for celebration. Particularly if she was in hospital for terrible and tragic reasons. Can you imagine?
His reaction therefore sheds some light on what may have been ailing her. I’m told it had nothing to do with being undernourished as has been reported. That she was on some kind of cleanse and was overexerting herself and collapsed. My sources say that is very unlikely. What’s likely, rather, is sad smut.
Hope my poor Gwynnie gets well soon…
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