Written by Sarah

When Lainey first asked my opinion of Emma Stone being in the Spider Man reboot last week it was a hypothetical. She was one of several names Sony Pictures was entertaining for Peter Parker’s love, Mary Jane Watson. Now, however, Deadline reports that Emma will be offered the role “imminently”, so while she could always refuse, you have to figure Sony wouldn’t offer unless they’re confident of acceptance.

My opinion remains the same: Does Emma Stone need Spider Man 4? No. Does it make sense anyway? Yes.

Emma’s career is building at a nice pace. She’s in consistently good projects with a steadily increasing profile, but she is still looking for the final piece to put her over the top. A marquee role in a splashy studio franchise would pretty much seal the deal. And can’t you just see her as Mary Jane? Smart, sassy, sexy, a little sarcastic. Given Andrew Garfield’s appointment as Peter Parker, I’m expecting a straight-laced, even stodgy Peter, and I look forward to Emma’s wit and sex appeal combining to keep Spidey on his back foot.

There’s also the perk that Emma would get the benefit of being in a (potential) major blockbuster without having to carry it. Spider Man 4 is Garfield’s game, his to win or lose. Mary Jane is a spunky secondary--she can steal the show and be a standout but there’s no pressure on the actress who portrays her to anchor the franchise. Really that’s the ideal situation. It just feels like the natural next step for Emma to be a part of something like this, as her projects have grown ever bigger. I wonder if the resistance to this has to do with it being Spider Man *4* and not the first movie in a new franchise. Maybe it doesn’t seem glamorous enough for Emma Stone? Being the girlfriend and not the leading lady?

I don’t know how to solve that one for you, except that she seems like a natural fit for Mary Jane, and it does strike me as a solid career move. Emma Stone is a young actress on the rise and these days longevity comes from diversifying your resume. An action franchise helps balance a comedy-heavy resume. Plus, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, that’s kind of a sexy on-screen pairing, isn’t it?

Written by Sarah
Photo from Wenn.com