New York premiere of Magic In The Moonlight. Emma Stone showed up with her boyfriend Andrew Garfield. Of course her co-star Colin Firth was there too. Not a bad night, right?

Many people thought Emma and Andrew would split as soon as they were done promoting Spider-Man, especially since…SPOILER ALERT…

Her role in the franchise is done.

But HIS role in the franchise might be done.

Apparently they lost the writer for the next movie. And now there’s a chance it’ll be delayed. Spider-Man 2 didn’t make as much money as they hoped for so…

Some think they might just end up scrapping the entire thing. When Sarah from Cinesnark first told me, my reaction was: I wonder if Andrew Garfield is disappointed about that. I wonder if he’s not disappointed about that.

PS. Am OBSESSED with Emma’s dress. It’s Dolce&Gabbana.