Earlier this year there was a report from Empire magazine that Gwyneth Paltrow would be making an appearance in Captain America: Civil War. Not long after that, though, I heard she would not, in fact, be in the movie, and said as much. Now that the movie is out around the world, we’re all seeing the complete lack of Gwyneth Paltrow in Civil War. She is not in it. Though RDJ pushed for her to be included, it never panned out, and it’s my understanding she didn’t participate in the production at all. (Lainey: that's it? If this were me, I'd have taken at least two more paragraphs to AHEM the sh-t out of the fact that I was right. Because when she initially posted that, despite Empire's report, G was not in Civil War, Sarah was questioned and doubted all up and down Twitter.)

But RDJ will never stop advocating for Goop’s return as Pepper Potts. He went on Howard Stern this week and reiterated his desire to have her be in another Marvel movie. He also said she’s his “free pass” and that his wife, producer Susan Downey, doesn’t care if he makes out with Goop “as long as the cameras are rolling”. I’m not sure that’s the same thing as a free pass, but whatever.

It’s really endearing that RDJ loves Goop so much and always wants her around. She would have been extraneous in Civil War, but based on what I’ve heard about Avengers 3 & 4, I can see her fitting in pretty easily. RDJ will probably end up getting his way because, let’s face it—he always does.
