Nelson Mandela would have been in Gryffindor, for sure.

But Luther? Luther is TOTALLY Slytherin. Like me!

Check out Idris Elba wearing Slytherin colours at Leavesden Studios the other day with his daughter. His daughter Isan is Hufflepuff. You know who’s Hufflepuff? Duana. It’s one of the great frustrations of her life. Hufflepuff is like the Charlotte York of Hogwarts. Who actually wants to be Hufflepuff, seriously? And yet, every single online Sorting Hat test that Duana ever fills out comes back Hufflepuff. She’s going to kill me for this.

Anyway, while there, Idris also got on a broom to play Quidditch. He’d totally be a Seeker. Don’t you want you him chasing your snitch? GROAN. Go ahead. That was bad. But I had to, I had to!