Mrs Timberlake went shopping with a friend yesterday in LA in cute workout pants and a puffy vest. US Weekly reported last month that she’s pregnant. No confirmation and no denial. I’m not sure you can tell from these pictures. From these pictures, I’m more pregnant than she is. And I’m not pregnant. That said, I do believe the rumours. Because the timing is right. And because I’m playing Photo Assumption on her expression. She knows you know. She’s happy you know.

So. Will the Timberlakes promote the pregnancy? Or will they go Eva Mendes-Ryan Gosling and not even acknowledge it? The right thing to say, of course, is that they’ll go Mendes-Gosling. It depends on whether or not they’ll be able to help themselves.

JT resumes his tour tomorrow in Dallas. Maybe he’ll get up on stage like Kanye West and shout-out his baby mother.