Please explain this to me. I realise it’s been a long time since I was 20. Even though it feels like it was just last week, I know that 20 is far, far away.

But still…

It’s not that far away. I’d like to think some things don’t change so drastically. I’d like to think that what I think of what Joe Jonas is wearing is pretty universal, no matter how long ago 20 actually was.

Look at this. From the Jonas Brothers movie premiere last night.

Joe is the one in the middle. The one with the yellow tie. The one with a smoke swirl tattooed onto his suit…

….the f-ck?

And girls...

They like this?





Remember – I like them young! Michelle and Duana are always like – oh look, that kid looks like he just graduated high school. Are you attracted?

So it’s not like I’m opposed to youth. Hell no, never.

What I am opposed to, however, is assness.

And this suit, this suit is multiple assnesses.

Do you know many girls in their 20s who’d be quivering over this androgen mess? Or perhaps they’re uilt differently these days. Has young lust been rewired? Have new buttons been introduced that are not available to those over 30?

Because there was never a day – NEVER – when I would have looked at this boy’s outfit and said, please baby take me home in your shiny suit with the swirly smoke and f-ck the sh-t out of me right now!

Apparently though, this is what works for Camilla Belle. She’s 2 years older, she’s very very pretty, and she’s been Joe Jonas’s “girlfriend” for 4 months. In other words, he’s helping her get famous.

They were photographed shopping together on Sunday.


What kind of an idiot sees these 2 together and believes it’s for real? And what do Camilla Belle’s friends think of her pretending to date a Jonas?

How do you go from Tom Sturridge to Joe Jonas???

Photos from
Kiley Bishop/London Ent/