It’s probably nothing… but it will make Shelfy crazy.
This is Justin Timberlake at the TRL finale last night seeming to be in good spirits, still riding the SNL high from the night before. Pip also hit up the traditional Saturday Night Live afterparty the previous night and so did Natalie Portman. Natalie was actually friends with Britney Spears back in the day. Am told that she and Pip were rather giggly, an innocent enough flirtation, they didn’t leave together or anything, but there was a significant amount of time spent whispering and laughing, described to me as though “they seemed totally into each other”, and at one point, because she’s so short, he bent his knees to look right into her eyes to tease her about something and held on to her elbows to drive the point home and she threw her head back and Jessica Biel is, like, already on a plane over from LA with her Shelf Ass ready to shut that sh-t down.
Please. Like she needs to worry.
Natalie Portman is too good for him.
Photos from and