The Federlines: pro-love in Vegas
Gossips – I fear I’m getting soft on you. I fear my bitch is slowly dying. Because for the life of me, I can’t come up with anything snarky to say about Britney and KFed.
Perhaps it’s because it honestly couldn’t get any worse than the Dateline debacle…or maybe it’s because in light of Tori Spelling’s atrocities and the deplorable antics of Dina Lohan, Hilary Swank, and Heather Mills, I just don’t have any hate left over for Britney and her lowlife of a husband.
Forgive me?
Check out the Federlines, in Vegas over the weekend to shoot his brand new video in support of his brand new recording career, purchased and paid for by his brand new baby – the one safely ensconced inside her belly and what some people are calling the saviour of their marriage.
I’m told Kevin’s been suitably sweet to his wife of late. That he recognizes how critical it is for him to hold it together to ensure the success of his album and, as such, has gone to great lengths to keep Britney happy and to give the appearance of working hard, lest his in-laws step in and ram it up his ass again.
So that’s the bad news. Kevin ain’t goin’ nowhere fast. The good news however is that Britney actually looks lovely. No, no, she’ll never be as cute as she was back then…but I’ve stopped remembering back then. Dwelling in the past isn’t healthy, especially when the past – in this case – will never come back. Better to focus on what we can salvage. And although she’s got more lines on her neck than any 25 year old should have, to say nothing of those low classy ghetto nails, I’m actually enjoying Brit’s ode to Priscilla Presley.
I miss Elvis, don’t you?
Photos from