They’re still casting for the Total Recall remake, expected to shoot in Toronto this summer. Colin Farrell is in place as the main dude and they’ve yet to secure the two female leads. A few weeks ago, we were led to believe that Jessica Biel had a shot at playing Colin’s ultimate love interest and that Kate Bosworth was asked to read for the part made famous by Sharon Stone – click here for a refresher. Both have very, very busy publicists and agents.

According to Deadline though, Bosworth isn’t even part of the conversation anymore. I wonder if she was ever part of the conversation to begin with.

Deadline is reporting that Kate Beckinsale is considering an offer from the studio. The studio insists that Deadline was a bit aggressive in reporting this but Deadline is sticking with their exclusive, claiming that it will indeed be Beckinsale and Biel, especially since Len Wiseman is directing the movie and, well, Beckinsale is married to him.

I’m not a huge fan of Kate Beckinsale but even I know that’s a MUCH better call than Kate Bosworth. After all, what, really, does Kate Bosworth bring to a table?

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