Written by Sasha*
JewelMint. Take a guess. Is it a new stick of gum? A Chinese fusion restaurant? Nope, it’s the new social shopping site featuring exceptionally crap jewelry courtesy of Kate Bosworth.
Kate’s teamed up with her friend/stylist Cher Coulter and launched a website where for $29.99 a month the two will ‘hand pick’ a piece of jewelry for you. Now, even though I think the name is budget as hell, my interest was definitely piqued by the concept. When I logged on, my inner impulsive shopper was hoping for a House of Harlow inspired line. Sadly the aesthetic is less Nicole Ritchie vintage and more Kinder Surprise. And it’s not a happy surprise.
I’m getting a kind of Aztec vibe from the line, which is something I’d typically be drawn to but the way they’ve arts and crafted this sh-t up, well, it looks mega cheap! The jewels they use look like mini eggs, the gold is that stark yellow color, and the shapes of the pieces don’t feel young and cool AT ALL.
Like why the frack is Kate Bosworth wearing flower shaped earrings with danglies on them? That’s not happening in fashion. Listen, I’m a cheap bitch when it comes to buying jewelry, so I’m not preaching for you to buy anything expensive. But whether you invest $5.00 or $500.00, it’s gotta look good.
The most cringe worthy part of this whole thing though is the video of how Kate and her new business partner Cher describe how they first met. Please watch it and then let’s share our feelings.
Click here and go to the image of Kate Bosworth and Cher Coulter on the right hand side of the page to watch the video.
Do you want to barf all over them?
Please. The bitch basically MAKES Cher tell her how amazing she is for the entire 30 second clip. And then when they start talking about how at nineteen Kate was wearing a ‘cool’ pair of Balenciaga pants….ugh, really?
Other than the fact that I’m amazed she has two different colored eyes, Kate Bosworth doesn’t conjure up many feelings for me. And after this clip, I’ve decided I might hate on her for a bit. I know she’s ‘joking’ when she says Cher must have wanted to be friends with her after seeing her in those pants, but I think she thinks we'll also find this as hysterically funny as she does. The ridiculous thing is that in the weird wide world of celebrity, some people DO pick out friends based on what expensive designer pants they have on. Sad but true. As we have just witnessed...
And I don’t know about you but if that’s the best clip they could come up with to describe their meaningful relationship then that’s wack. This whole video reeks of tackiness and if those two tacky friends are picking out my jewelry every month for $29.99, no f-cking way.
Click here if you want to throw your money away on Kate Bosworth.
*Sasha is a style/fashion TV producer.
File photo from Wenn.com