You can read the title of this post any way you want.

Check out a very pretty Kristen Stewart on the weekend hitting the library and then a magazine stand. I had to google Stewart for content and the first article that popped up, dated today, was this one about how she’ll soon be working with Nicholas Hoult on a film called Equals directed by Drake Doremus. Have you seen Like Crazy? I loved Like Crazy. I almost took a sh-t during the part where she’s at the airport and they won’t let her out. Anyway, what’s interesting looking back at that movie now is Jennifer Lawrence.

Jennifer Lawrence, the Jennifer Lawrence you know now, plays the Other Girl. The girl who’s not The Girl. And she could do that, at that point in her career, she could be that. She could be James Marsden THEN…but not now. Is there any liberty in going back to being James Marsden now? Or do you never ever want to get back to being James Marsden because that’s what actors work towards – to be The Girl and not The Other Girl, or The Friend? Sorry James Marsden.

Lawrence did look at the script for Equals and loved it but told Doremus that she didn’t think it was right for her. She was right, because Doremus says that ultimately Stewart is what he was looking for. She’s heading to Sundance soon. Sarah will have a preview of the festival later this week.