It seems that Lindsay’s on a bit of a fitness kick right now and she’s got the selfies to prove it. Earlier this week, she posted two separate pictures of herself at the gym wearing a green sports bra in a room filled with exercise equipment.
It’s unclear if she goes to an actual gym or just owns the equipment OR has commandeered some hotel fitness room. The second picture features a friend of hers struggling to complete a sit-up (get it, girl).
This of course is news because she’s not someone we traditionally associate with exercise, health, or exerting herself in any way ever. Where’s her motivation coming from? Well it seems like creating a selfie opportunity has something to do with it.
Lindsay’s a true selfie addict and these pictures are basically the entire content of her Instagram feed. While some stars regularly deny their intense fitness and diet routines, Lindsay’s more the “I’m doing something good for myself, better tell my 6 million followers” type. Now that she’s discovered the show-off potential of the gym selfie, it looks like we’re in for an eyeful of mid-sweat snaps.
People like to knock the narcissism that motivates selfies, particularly the self-aggrandizing gym selfie, but for Lindsay, and the rest of us, if this is a way to make working out a little less painful then why not? I was at the gym the other day and saw a trainer laughing at this woman who was taking a picture of her own ass in the mirror. Yes, she looked silly but, f*ck, going to the gym is horrible, so why not do whatever it takes to get yourself in there? (Lainey: or maybe she’s being sponsored by an athletic apparel company?) Also, as cracked out as Lindsay’s life is, can you imagine the social invitations she has to turn down to find some gym time? I certainly wouldn’t choose an hour at Crunch over taking Adderall and spending four hours inside Alexander Wang with Dina and Rita Ora.
(Lainey: but she’ll never compromise the party. Here she is at Chiltern Fire House in London last night. Why do they keep letting her in?)