It’s Wednesday. Midweek. I’m writing this midday. Am about to start our live episode of The Social, then I have to head up to shoot etalk, and finish up several blog posts, and I have an appointment tonight, and I need to go for a run later, so there are still hours, and hours, and hours to go. (Yes, that’s me humble bragging about how busy I am.) I just had an orange. That’s giving me some energy. But nothing boosts energy like Mimi.
Mimi on the beach.
Mimi on the beach, running? I just choked.
Mimi on the beach flipping her hair, that’s more like it.
Mimi on the beach throwing sand around like she’s being showered in diamonds.
And Mimi from her best side, posing in crouch mode, looking so full of joy.
Because she’s so thin, especially thin, sucked in by her wetsuit with flattering black contouring stripes running down the sides. I feel SO much better.