It’s Wednesday. Midweek. I’m writing this midday. Am about to start our live episode of The Social, then I have to head up to shoot etalk, and finish up several blog posts, and I have an appointment tonight, and I need to go for a run later, so there are still hours, and hours, and hours to go. (Yes, that’s me humble bragging about how busy I am.) I just had an orange. That’s giving me some energy. But nothing boosts energy like Mimi.

Mimi on the beach.

Mimi on the beach, running? I just choked.


6th grade revisited "I'll beat you in a race" #nevermadethetrackteam #eternally12 #shake&bake

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Mimi on the beach flipping her hair, that’s more like it.


#flippingoutoverthebeach #pondeislands

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Mimi on the beach throwing sand around like she’s being showered in diamonds.


#stillwishingforthesnow #yetpondesand!!!

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And Mimi from her best side, posing in crouch mode, looking so full of joy.


#whereisrocky? #waterbabies #rockywantsswedishfish #&roeroewantssourcandies #help!!!!

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Because she’s so thin, especially thin, sucked in by her wetsuit with flattering black contouring stripes running down the sides. I feel SO much better.