Since this morning’s post about Natalie Portman’s new relationship with Devendra Banhart, a few of his hardcore fans have emailed insisting that A. he really is beautiful and B. he truly is an artist.

I won’t argue with beautiful. Beautiful is many things to many people. The only thing it is NOT is Tori Spelling and Donatella Versace.

On the artistic note however… well... now we get into John Mayer territory. John Mayer, indisputably talented but at the same time a total cheese dick, undermining whatever artistic integrity he has with his incessant douchebaggery.

Can the same be said for Devendra Banhart? Word is he’s certainly gifted but he’s also certainly a famewhore. Or, as Sarah M put it, a total star f&cker. Because it’s not just Natalie… it’s also Lindsay Lohan.

And it doesn’t get more rock bottom than Lindsay Lohan, does it?

They did a thing together for Interview Magazine and knowing her track record, there’s no doubt she had him in other ways too. Then when she went to rehab (for the third time) last year, he made her a CD and sent it along.

The point?

Devendra Banhart is friends with Lindsay Lohan. And although friendship with Lilo certainly isn’t as life-threatening as friendship with Hollywood Ebola Paris Hilton, it’s still not exactly something to be proud of it. I call it sh*t by association - not exactly something Natalie Portman would and should be proud of. Yes, I am judging him for being friends with Lindsay Lohan. That’s what happens when you are friends with Lindsay Lohan.

And now Natalie is dating a dude who rolls with the Lilo?

MAJOR downgrade…it’s all I’m sayin’…

Thanks Sarah M!

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