Priyanka Chopra is talented. When I was watching Quantico for a hot second, I thought she was great. I want to make it clear that I know she is talented but let’s not get it twisted: Priyanka Chopra continues to get invited to these shows because she is blindingly beautiful and even in a “meh” dress, she can shut down a red carpet.

When Priyanka Chopra showed up last night, my friend Jen texted me, “there must not be a metallic dress left anywhere in LA.” Yes, there was a lot of metallic and even though I’m pretty sure Margot Robbie wore a version of this dress last year, I’m not mad at it. Priyanka is in a hand-embroidered Ralph Lauren and she looks ridiculous. It is unfair how good looking this woman is. It is impossible for Priyanka Chopra to look basic. I don’t love the dress or the necklace but her beauty game is so on point. Those lips! And I like the relaxed hairstyle paired with the harshness of the dress.

Speaking of people who are talented but also get invited places because they are hot, Jeffrey Dean Morgan presented alongside Priyanka last night. Goddamn Jeffrey Dean Morgan is handsome. I am running out of ways to describe someone as attractive in this post. When these two walked on stage together, hand in hand, I squealed a bit inside. I know JDM has a life partner (Peyton from One Tree Hill. Anyone?) but these two owe it to the world to procreate. I don’t want to start any rumours but see their chemistry for yourself in this backstage interview.

The Baywatch comment! He seems like he’s trying, no? Is this all in my head? Should I go write some Quantico/ The Walking Dead crossover fan fiction and get it out of my system? 

I mean, look at them though. COME ON.


#priyankachopra and #jefferydeanmorgan look hot AF #goldenglobes

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