She did actually go to Washington in Legally Blonde 2, right? Red, White, and Blonde.

Pink, white, and blonde last night at a screening of The Good Lie in DC. Click here to read Joanna’s review of the film from TIFF. Reese Witherspoon is in campaign mode. And she likely will be for the next six months until Oscar, perhaps turning it on more now that Julianne Moore’s chances are looking stronger and stronger. If Amy Adams delivers in Big Eyes, or if Rosamund Pike gets people going in Gone Girl, Reese will have to bring it a lot harder than she did a few years ago for Walk The Line, though that might be interesting since she’s a producer on the film.

But Reese has lot working in her favour. Jim Toth, her husband, is a major player at CAA. And there’s that whole America’s Sweetheart fraud. She certainly knows how to play it – in every aspect. All the soundbites will be perfect. Her expressions will be exactly right. She will be gracious, generous, self-deprecating, cute, not threatening, relatable. I’m a mother of three! We go to church on Sundays! We love animals. I look great in florals.

This really was the perfect dress selection for DC. PERFECT. And Dior. She wore vintage Dior when she won her Oscar. It’s good luck for her.