Well if this isn’t a douche alert…

Check out Ryan Phillippe, in track pants and a nipple-hugging white t-shirt, after lunch yesterday in LA cruising around in a ROLLS ROYCE.


A Rolls Royce?

Like, who ARE you?

And why is Amanda Seyfried so stupid?

How do you get hard when a guy pulls up in a Rolls Royce steering it with his dick?

Sit DOWN Ryan Phillippe.

I suppose I’m showing my age. Out of touch with what makes hearts for the modern girl. I would be embarrassed to be seen with the douche in a Rolls Royce. It’s not just a car. It’s a statement. It says a lot about a person. It says about the person that it’s all about him and his cheesy penis.

Photos from Bauergriffinonline.com