Dear Sasha!  I need your style help!  I’m getting married and need help with the bridesmaid dresses.  I have only two bridesmaids but they’re being a pain in the ass.  My color is orange, which I think is lovely.  The criteria:  solid orange! Any length.  Budget: daddy is paying but nothing more than 1200.00.   Please help!  J



Thank you for supplying me with all those great details, but J, you missed the most important part!!  The dress code of your wedding.  Are you thinking black tie?  Cocktail?  Garden?  Oh well, I guess that means I’m just going to have to broaden the style scope and go rogue.

Let’s start off with some short dresses! If your girls are up to show off their gams then I’m firing off some leggy looks here (1), here (2), here (3) and here (4).

Sasha Finds: Bridesmaid Dresses

Moving the hemline down a bit, take a look at these simple yet stunning midi length dresses!  Get clicking here (5), here (6), here (7), and one more here (8).

Sasha Finds: Bridesmaid Dresses

And of course if you want to go for some glamorous floor grazers for a more formal feel, then I’ve found a slew of show stoppers here (9), here (10), here (11) and here (12).

Sasha Finds: Bridesmaid Dresses

Lace can be a bit of a snore sometimes, however J, with your poppy color choice, it’ll definitely liven things up.  I’ve narrowed down my two favorites here (13), and here (14).

Sasha Finds: Bridesmaid Dresses

Hey, how about incorporating some print or maybe mix it up with some color blocking?  I know you’ll probably say no, but take a look here (15), here (16), here (17) and here (18) just for the f-ck of it. 

Sasha Finds: Bridesmaid Dresses

Finally, I just bought this (19) Topshop dress yesterday and I have to say it’s pretty damn cute and if that’s your thing, it’s a great choice! 

Sasha Finds: Bridesmaid Dresses

Let me know which dress you end up going with!  Thanks for writing and keep your questions coming to [email protected].