We Day is this week in Vancouver. Both Selena Gomez and Orlando Bloom are scheduled to speak. I know, right? They committed to the event a long time ago, well before Selena's most recent breakup with JB. But no one could have predicted that Orlando would have tried to throw down with Justin and now...well...he and Selena are travelling together.
Like, together together?
Well, at least on the same flight from LAX to YVR?
My guess is that the organisation booked the itinerary and this is just how it ended up. But that doesn't mean assumptions can't be made, if not by us than by others more closely involved. And it's not like these kids + Orlando, the 30-something year old father of one, haven't engaged in that kind of sh-t before. See? He's forever associated with that silliness. Like I said, on his part it was such a bad move.